The times and seasons we are in demand a fresh anointing and it is therefore imperative that we come together before the LORD and renew our Covenants with Him on our journey to Sonship.

GOD’s plan for Nigeria is to be a sheep nation that follows the LORD wholly; a nation and people that will carry the end-time gospel of the kingdom to Africa and other nations. But Satan knows this will hasten and seal his eternal doom; so he is fighting dirty for last-minute survival & has raised his agents, the Anakims, to oppose GOD’s plan for Nigeria. Their sole mission is to make Nigeria a goat nation serving Satan, thus destroying her & hindering her from fulfilling GOD’s eternal plan.

It is a raging battle for the soul of Nigeria.

Ultimately GOD wins, but He requires a Remnant church that is focused, devoted, fearless, uncompromising & GOD-centered, to arise and enforce the victory won at the cross by JESUS CHRIST the Son of GOD. A kingdom minded company that like Esther will say, “... if I perish, I perish”) Esther 3:16)


  1. Jachimike Nwokeoma says:

    Please I really want to make progress in God’s agenda for Nigeria

    • messenger says:

      Oh thats fine just keep following us. we just posted some very useful information. Thanks a lot and have a great day

  2. Chigozie says:

    I need the audio tapes
    I thank you immensely.