Greetings from the Revival Altar.
I am writing out of obedience to the Lord who asked me to counsel the righteous to pray aright in this season.

Prophetically speaking, three scriptures are the underlying current behind what is unfolding at this time amongst the nations. The scriptures are:  Hag.2:6-7, 20-22.  Rev.6:12  Matt.25:31-46. As I do not intend for this to be a long write-up, I will quote the scriptures at the end of this short piece.

The God of creation is shaking the nations of the world to prepare the nations to make the decisions that will determine their eternal destiny. The Gospel message as handed to us has three main stages: a) The Gospel of salvation: The beginning of the Gospel. An appeal to individuals to accept the mercy of God made available to all mankind through the sacrifice of His son, Yahusha Ha-Mashiach. (See 2Cor.5:20).

Another name for this Gospel is the Gospel of Grace. b) The Gospel of the Kingdom: Expanding the gospel message to save nations (Matt.24:14). c) The Everlasting Gospel: Extending the benefit of Yahusha’s death and resurrection to all creation. (See Rev.14:6-7). One thing that must happen before the return of the Lord in glory is the separation of nations into sheep and goat nations (Matt,25:31-46). The nations of the world will NEVER make that decision except under pressure.

What you see going on today in the nations is the pressure from the Lord to force the nations to make the end-time alignments that will determine their eternal destinies.


  1. George Daniel-Oghenetega says:

    Timely guidance.

  2. Mirabel says:

    Thank you so much for this information. I look forward to the Messenger June Retreat. God bless you.