I bring you greetings in the Name of YAHUSHUAH HA-MASHIACH, The Son of the Living God.
As you are aware, we do not bring the Word of the Lord for the year as a yearly ritual. As Bond Servants of the Lord, we remain in the place of hearing and only bring His word when He commands us.
I suspected the Lord would ask us to bring His counsel for the year that has just begun when last year He started showing me the complexion of the present year through Conversations, visions and impressions.
To the Bride of Christ, I bring encouragement that He who called you is faithful. It will be a tough and trying year, but in the midst of it the Lord will preserve His own elect and begin to place seals of distinction on those who have been serving sacrificially through Covenants, Vows and Consecrations.
Chigozie Eze says:
September 20, 2020 at 8:51 pmMay GOD continue to bless and pour out HIS FAVOUR on you. May the LORD ALMIGHTY direct your prayers and intercessory barrel to Mbaise for deliverance and redemption