The Gospel Of The Kingdom


The kingdom of Elohim is the rule of His government and establishment of His Order and through the preaching of Gospel of the kingdom impacts individuals, nations/people groups and entire creation.
The efficacy of the gospel can be seen in the conquering of the three levels of Power by Yahusha Ha-Maschiach after His resurrection (Phil.2:9-10). It is with this authority as we grow in son-ship that we are to proclaim and administrate the gospel in all realms of creation that was affected by the fall of Adam.

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The Gospel of the Kingdom is the way Elohim brings people out of their selfish preferences and expressions to total submission to the will of Elohim.

The kingdom of Elohim is the rule of His government and establishment of His Order and through the preaching of Gospel of the kingdom impacts individuals, nations/people groups and entire creation.
The efficacy of the gospel can be seen in the conquering of the three levels of Power by Yahusha Ha-Maschiach after His resurrection (Phil.2:9-10). It is with this authority as we grow in son-ship that we are to proclaim and administrate the gospel in all realms of creation that was affected by the fall of Adam.

We can also see the Gospel classified loosely into 3 dimensions as follows;

1. Gospel of Grace:

APPLICATION OF THE CROSS TO INDIVIDUALS: The appeal to individuals to accept the price that Christ paid for salvation with emphasis on God’s love for mankind and His intent to restore man to his first estate before the fall of man in the garden.

2 Gospel of the Kingdom:

APPLICATION OF THE CROSS TO NATIONS AND PEOPLE GROUP: This is the call beyond individuals to people groups and nations to submit to the Government of Elohim as the creator and King over creation. This is intended to separate the obedient and rebellious nations. With the obedient going into the rule of God’s kingdom in time and beyond while the disobedient and rebellious are to be destroyed along with the angelic beings that rebelled against God’s rule.

3 Everlasting Gospel:

APPLICATION OF THE CROSS TO WHOLE OF CREATION: This Gospel is to all creation in all realms of Elohim’s creation. It is not an appeal for repentance but a warning and command to all creation on the imminency of God’s judgment. “Fear Elohim and give Glory to Him for the hour of His judgment is come…” (Rev.14:7). This is the Gospel that brings down Babylon (distorted patterns of Elohim) by demystifying it everywhere it has been foisted.

Additional information

Dimensions 25.8 × 14.5 × 2 cm


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