In part 1 of this article, I outlined principles for effective Intercession for the nations the way I received it from the Lord.
I stated that effective Intercession for nations rest on four pillars:
- Understanding the Season.
- Who are the men praying? (Quality of the Intercessors).
- Persistence that pays (You must pray until you prevail).
- What are the men praying? (If you are praying for mercy when the mood in heaven is for judgment you are in the way).
In part 1, I addressed the first two pillars. In the second part of this article, I want to address the remaining two pillars and go further to state one eternal guiding principle. After a few days, I intend to proceed to part 3 which will contain Prayer Directions, Proclamations and Prayers. I trust that by the time we get to part 3, not only will you be willing and ready to pray, but you will also know what to pray in this season.
Let me use two passages of scripture to illustrate this principle:
In the tenth Chapter of the Book of Daniel, Daniel was praying for a national situation when Heaven responded by sending an Angel with the answers. But Satan’s organized kingdom was able to resist that angel and prevent him from reaching Daniel with the answers for about three weeks: