PART 7 OF 7: I bring you greetings from the Revival Altar, in the Name of JEHOVAH OF HOSTS, The ANCIENT OF DAYS, THE ONE WHO INHABITS ETERNITY. In this final part of the series that the Lord commanded us to write to the Church and the Nation, I have chosen to address the people of the Eastern Gate (The South East and South/ south States) but especially the Igbo nation. In addressing the Eastern Gate, I will also be appealing to all men of understanding in the nation to see the peculiar position of the Eastern Gate from the lens of God and stand with them in prayer and action at this time for the sake of the nation. Yet, this is not a choice that proceeds out of my will. I believe the Lord is guiding me to end this series by speaking once again to the people of the East. Those that are close to us know that the central focus of our live and ministry is to do the will of God and see His purpose and counsel established. We do not have any personal agenda or ambitious ministry plan to pursue. We are neutral, apolitical, on the Lord’s side and therefore when we speak to any section of the country it is because the Lord bids us speak to them.
Nwokike Chineme says:
August 22, 2018 at 6:46 amGood day Man of God. Thank you sir for making yourself available for the master’s use and sharing the mind of God with the elect.
messenger says:
November 9, 2018 at 3:33 pmAll glory to the Almighty.
Emeka Okeke says:
October 13, 2018 at 8:16 amMay the Lord continue to bless and empower you and your team as He does His work through you.
messenger says:
November 9, 2018 at 3:34 pmAmen and Amen
David says:
November 24, 2018 at 8:08 pmAm so blessed with this series. It has open my eyes to see as the lord sees. More grace.
messenger says:
February 12, 2019 at 1:25 amThanks for reading all Glory to the Lord God Almighty
Victor F. Umejiego says:
December 11, 2018 at 12:00 pmAll thanks to God and Proph. Isaac Eze and his team for allowing themselves to be used by God. Prophecies help us to know the mind of God and align as vessels for God the master-minder Who is our Potter to use us accomplish His plans which are layers towards the accomplishment of His Purpose on earth. Recently released a prophetic book at http://www.victor.victorspublications.com/eternity
messenger says:
February 12, 2019 at 1:26 amThank God for grace and mercies. The Lord be Praised