PART 4 OF 5: I bring you greetings from the Revival Altar, in the Name of JEHOVAH OF HOSTS, the ONE whose voice is upon the waters (Ps.29:5, 9). If you have been journeying with us in this series, by now you would have heard me say that I am not writing this piece on my own initiative. I had a visitation from the Lord on May 25 this year that lasted 8 days after which He commanded me to write to the Church, the Nation and the Nations. I made a Covenant with the Lord to discharge that burden and His grace has helped me so far for which I remain eternally grateful. In part 4 of this series, I am simply going to reproduce verbatim, series of letters that I wrote to selected Church Leaders in Nigeria staring from February 2012 and as recently as February 2018. These letters were written at the Lord’s command. When the Lord asked me to write these letters, it was the last thing I wanted to do because I did not want to be seen as seeking attention from our wonderful leaders and G.O’s. However, as a bond servant that is committed to doing the Master’s will, I did it anyway.
Engr Avemaria Matthew Eze says:
July 30, 2018 at 5:32 pmHighly prophetic and revealing messages. Very wise admonishment and timely warning. A word is enough for the wise. Like the Seven Churches of Asia in the Book of the Revelation Chapter 1, he who has ear let him attentively listen to the divinely dictated and inspired prophetic revelations and valuable messages. Praise the Lord, Alleluia. Amen.
Come Lord Jesus Come, Mara Natha. Amen.