PART 3 OF 5: I bring you greetings from the Revival Altar, in the Name of Yahushua Ha-Mashiach, the Son of the Living God: The ONE who created the Heavens and Earth By His Spoken word, who died, went to hell and defeated satan and his host in their backyard (grave and hell) and rose again from the dead on the third day; by whom all creation are sustained and who is the Governor of the Nations (Ps.22:28). This article, of which you have read the previous 2 parts did not emanate from my own will. I am only an obedient servant, doing the will of the one who called me, at whose command, I now present you part 3 of the series, LOWERING THE PLUMMET – BABYLON HAS FALLEN! As you have read, the Lord visited with me for a period of 8 days starting from May 25 this year. During that period, His word came to me expressly both in writing, counsel and open visions. In this part, I will be sharing with you two open visions that I was shown and possibly, make a short comment at the end. I believe those visions speak to us NOW. In doing this, I will simply be quoting the relevant dates from the Messenger’s Diary.