PART 2 OF 5: In Part 1 of this series, I began to lay the foundation to bring you the Word of the Lord that came to me during a special visitation of the Lord that lasted 8 days, starting from May 25, 2018. In Part 2 that is now before you, I will be quoting essentially from the Messenger’s Diary; My conversations with the Lord on this occasion. I will essentially be writing in the First Person, and therefore I will urge you to pay close attention. There is a principle in the Book of Zechariah that I want to place before you this morning. That principle is contained in Zech.1:3-6 (I urge you to read it): This is my paraphrase of that principle: The word of the Lord in the mouth of a true Prophet spoken/ written at the Lord’s instance is as effective as the word of the LORD in the mouth of God Himself.