Event details

  • Tuesday | November 7, 2017 to Thursday | December 7, 2017
  • All Day
  • 08022227349.

Greetings in the blessed Name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.
We just returned from Jos and Kaduna where we held successful meetings with the Intercessory Community in the two strategic states to the North.

While in the North, the Lord began to impress in my heart that we should remain on alert as the enemy will try to do somethings to regain the advantage especially when we join the fray for the usual end of Year festivities.
Our end of the Year activities will therefore be undergirded with strategic prayers while we continue to watch.

The last sharing Meeting in Lekki will hold on Tuesday November 7, 2017.
We will be praying for our Partners and Friends and dealing with personal issues.
The scripture the Lord gave us is:

Thou crownest the year with thy goodness; And thy paths drop fatness.
They drop upon the pastures of the wilderness; And the hills are girded with joy.
The pastures are clothed with flocks; The valleys also are covered over with grain; They shout for joy, they also sing (Ps.65:11-13).

I believe this is the will of God for us at this season and we will be praying it for our partners and friends. We will also teach on Resetting Time from the Courts of Heaven to deal with issues of delays in promises of God that we are carrying. I believe this is God’s will for us at this time.
Being the last sharing Meeting for the Year, we will be receiving offerings to support the work and Team Messenger. I believe that all of us should give a thanksgiving offering.

Our last Retreat for the Year will hold from Friday, December 8 to Monday December 11, 2017.
It will be a Training and Payer Retreat. We will be sharing fresh insights on Strategic Intercession.
The Venue for the Retreat is Revival Altar, Camp David Ota. If there is a change of Venue, it will be communicated.
Pre-registration is required for proper planning. Also we have limited places in our Camp Ground. You can register through:
Text: 08022227349.

Please prepare for this Retreat through fasting from December 1-7, 2017. Minimum fasting period is 6am to 6Pm. Those who have the grace can do more. The only exempts are those with medical conditions that requires regular meals but even then they can still omit a meal or eat less as wisdom requires.

As part of the preparations for the Retreat we should also observe nightly prayers for 7 days starting from 1st to 7th December. A minimum period of 3 Hours is recommended especially between 11Pm to 3Am.
We will be sending Prayer Directions. We can observe it from our personal locations but those in the same axis can meet a few times to agree together.

There are some things that Heaven has released to His people that hell is delaying. My faith is that we will pray through and come back to the Lord’s time-line for us.
Also read the Book of Malachi. We will be uploading other direction and recommendations shortly.

In Christ,

Messenger – Revival Altar, 11-2-17.