I bring you greetings from the Revival Altar, in the Name of YAHUSHUA HA-MASHIACH, the Son of the Living God, The FIRST BORN FROM THE DEAD, THE ONE WHO IS BEFORE ALL THINGS, AND IN WHOM ALL THINGS, (including Nations and their peoples) CONSIST.
The word of the Lord for the present year, and the beginnings of His word for the decade, started coming to us on December 10, 2019; by way of a prophetic dream that had me alarmed, startled and transiting from sleep into a fighting position.
As I begin to bring this word, I feel the strong presence of the Holy Spirit highlighting the Number 19. In Bible numeric, 19 is the number for faith, and therefore my first prayer for you is that the words I bring from the Throne room of YAHWEH will inspire faith in your heart instead of fear.
My starting words would be to re-echo the declaration of the Order of David, (leading the Church in Heaven) over Nigeria from the 102nd Psalm: It is a Declaration, a Prayer and a Prophecy for Year 2020 and beyond: