The all-important matter of the forthcoming elections has given rise to a number of voices speaking different things and leading people in different direction. The Christian camp has become more confused especially since Pastor Tunde Bakare’s strange alliance with Gen. Buhari. Christian leaders who to bring insight are not speaking, and when they do, they sing different tunes. But this ought not to be so because the most significant promise of God to His children is to direct them. (John 10: 26-27, Jer. 33:3).
The issue of the Nigerian throne and question of who sits as President has seen several players on the political scene, amongst whom are: President Good luck Jonathan, Muhammadu Buhari, Pastor Tunde Bakare etc. The fact that any of these candidates can govern the country quite well given the right conditions and circumstances is indisputable. However, a nation like Nigeria, whose corrupt practices is fast eating up every sector demands more than just competence! This brings us back to the God -factor, and the truth that the idea of nation states is never the conception of man.
The nation state was established by God to further His plan for the salvation of mankind; by using it as a platform to bring peoples into a relationship with Him (Dt. 32:8, Acts 27:23-31). In this vein, God has a plan to use Nigeria to push the gospel to many African nations that are still in darkness. God has often spoken through well established and credible ministers of the gospel about His purpose for Nigeria. ”You shall speak to them whether they hear or refuse for they are a rebellious people” Eze.2:7). Since God has spoken and is still speaking; the question perhaps should be:” Are the people truly listening to what heaven is saying?

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