Message To The Church (1&2)

One reason the Lord sets prophets in His house is because through the ministry of the prophets, the Lord communicates truth, and makes the scriptures relevant to each generation. ‘And by a prophet the Lord brought Israel out of Egypt and by a prophet was she preserved’ ( ).
The Lord is again speaking to the Nigerian Church through His prophets to bring deliverance and preservation. Deliverance cometh as the Lord Has heard the cry of those who have remained steadfast in upholding the nation in the place of prayer; but this season of judgment is one that the Lord allowed because of the failure of the church. The Lord’s judgment is on the church for neglecting the Holy Spirit , engaging in idolatry and empty religion; allowing all manner of atrocities in the house of God. The church has neglecting her responsibility of discipling the nation and modeling.
The effect of this slumber is seen as the nation has degraded invariably owing to despicable acts of the leaders and the led. Hence, the lord stated that He is equally judging the national sins of idolatry, wickedness, shedding of innocent blood, corruption and massive injustice. The Boko Haram menace and other issues plaguing Nigeria are not accidents, but acts of Gods judgment against our nation. The Church has fallen asleep and lost focus and as such is directly responsible for the state of the nation!

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    From hearr I thank Almighty God for raising the elect, who will, train and lead a vibrant remnant Church to timely intercede for the nation and the world as we prepare during this end time for the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and the expected messianic age. I appreciate and commend this wonderful team of the remnant Church (lead by Bro. Isaac Ezeh) and other great children of God for effort to actualize our great dream and vision for our country, Nigeria. May their saving prophetic message richly dwell in our heart and bear fruit. May the loving and good Lord give us a docile heart receive these revelations given to us through these wonderful servants of the Lord. In Jesus Name. Amen. Bro. Matthew Eze

  2. Team Messenger says:

    Amen. May the Lord bless you house too and grant you revelation knowledge and understanding.


    In the mighty name of Jesus Christ, Amen. And may our loving and good Lord continue to shower His abundant graces and blessings upon you and your wonderful intercessory prayer team. May this prophetic message continue to richly dwell in our hearts, so that, we bear much fruit in our lives and bear testimony to the inspired prophecy. Frankly, I have gained much enlightenment and learnt a lot from the Intercessory prayer team and the Messenger Publication . Thanks a lot Engr. Avemaria Matthew EZE.

  4. Nwachukwu Favour says:

    I am eternally grateful to the almighty God who will never leave himself without witness for coming across the publications of this servant of God. I have been standing in the place of prayers for the church and our nation since two years from my conversion in 1984. I am glad I am connecting to things God had spoken to me before now. So glad to be among the company of the O vercomers. God bless the servant of God whom he is using to chart this course for us and it is my prayer that all will play their part for us to see the fulfilment of God’s plan for our dear nation Nigeria